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Integra Script Library Documentation


Class Method (Function)


StaticVars Class

Function StaticVars.AddCategory() As Integer

StaticVars.AddCategory (CatFormula As String)

The AddCategory is called for every exported Notes document. It will evaluate the formula as defined in the Category Formula field of the Integra profile. It converts and adds the resulting value to an array of category strings (StaticVars.Category).

Depending on the type of profile this array of categories is used to create a Category field in the Notes document or response document in which a Word or Excel document is saved back into.

In case of a the Save As Response or Attach To Document options the new Category field will contain only the one category value evaluated for the parent document, otherwise it will contain the entire list of category values stored as multi-value.


    CatFormula (String)
      The formula as defined in the Category field in the Integra profile. However, any valid Notes Formula will do. The formula will be evaluated in the context of the exported Notes document.

    True if the evaluation was successfull, otherwise False.


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