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Integra Script Library Documentation


C-API Declaration



C-API NNOTESWS.DLL (Notes) Function List As ,

The following C-API calls are used in the LNProgressBar and ProgressBar class methods. For further documentation to these C-API calls please refer to the C-API documentation of Lotus Notes/Domino.

Declare Function NEMProgressBegin Lib "nnotesws.dll" _

    ( Byval wFlags As Integer ) As Long

Declare Sub NEMProgressDeltaPos Lib "nnotesws.dll" _
    ( Byval hwnd As Long, Byval dwIncrement As Long )

Declare Sub NEMProgressEnd Lib "nnotesws.dll" _
    ( Byval hwnd As Long )

Declare Sub NEMProgressSetBarPos Lib "nnotesws.dll" _
    ( Byval hwnd As Long, Byval dwPos As Long)

Declare Sub NEMProgressSetBarRange Lib "nnotesws.dll" _
    ( Byval hwnd As Long, Byval dwMax As Long )

Declare Sub NEMProgressSetText Lib "nnotesws.dll" _
    ( Byval hwnd As Long, Byval pcszLine1 As String, Byval pcszLine2 As String )


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