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Logging & Debugging Integra activity

When you are running Integra for Notes and you are experiencing a difficulty, it is useful to log Integra's step-by-step activity to a log file for further analysis. Integra allows the user or developer who is creating Integra profiles to create an Integra log database to collect runtime information about Integra execution. This information will be particularly useful to Integra's support team to assist you in addressing any issues you might have. This document provides you with assistance on how to create and configure this Integra Log file.

The Integra log database can be created by the user or profile creator himself or by the system administrator.

Access to the configuration of the Integra Log database is found in the Integra Log database tab on the Configuration document as shown in the screen shot below. Access to this Configuration tab is restricted to users who have been granted the [Admin] role in the Integra database's ACL. Please remember that, if running Integra locally, the setting called Enforce a Consistent Access Control List across all replicas must be turned on in the Advanced Tab of the Integra database's ACL dialog box for user roles to function correctly on a local workstation.

The Integra Log Database document contains an option to create the Integra log database directly by selection of a hot spot. On selection of the hot spot, the user will be presented with a create database dialog box. In the New Database dialog, tick-mark the Show advanced templates option, as otherwise the Agent Log template will not be listed.

The Integra log database must be based on the Agent Log template (alog4.ntf) which is the standard Notes agent log template. In the event that you have Integra deployed to multiple servers, a replica or new copy of the Integra log database has to be created on that server, following the above rules.

On creation of the Integra log through this process, Integra will record the file name and location of the Integra Log database for recording events.

In the event that the Integra log has been created independently of Integra, i.e. directly through the File->Database->New menu option, then it is essential for the database to be configured to be used by Integra through the selection of the database using the file dialog icon.

Access rights to the Integra Log Database

Users require a minimum of Author access to the Integra Log database with the ability to create new documents.

Enabling and Disabling Integra Logging

To enable or disable Integra Logging mode, select the Integra database on the workspace or open it from the bookmarks. From the menu, select Actions -> Workstation Options->-Set Logging On/Off to enable and disable logging.

    As logging mode creates a message for every function executed at runtime, it has a considerable impact on Integra’s performance and should only be used for debugging and disabled after the debugging process is complete.

What Information is Being Logged?

All functions in the Integra runtime agents and libraries are coded in such a way that they will post a message into the log file every time they are executed if logging is turned on. All functions are also error trapped and will therefore post either specific Integra messages or Notes standard error messages into the log database when a runtime error occurs whenever the logging setting has been enabled (see Enabling and Disabling Integra Logging above).

Each log entry contains information about the following:
  • The name of the Integra database in which the profile is running
  • The user running the Integra profile
  • The date and time that message was created
  • The type of message defined by a column icon (the blue bulb for normal log entries and a red X for runtime errors)
  • The message explaining what has been executed or, in the case of an error, the runtime error message including the error code and line number where the error occurred
To view the contents of the Integra Log file, open the log file you have created as you would any other Notes database. If logging has been switched on and subsequently Integra has been used to run a profile, you will see a list of individual logged activities which respresent every point of execution. These are categorised by the Integra database they relate to (as it is possible to have multiple Integra databases), and then the user who has been executing Integra. Errors are identified with a red cross.

A typical runtime log would look like this:


FAQ# 0080
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