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Export additional fields to new columns in Excel

When a new Excel spreadsheet template is being created within an Integra profile, Integra offers to create the various tags in the Excel spreadsheet to receive the fields defined within the Integra profile. Additional fields are also created such as the field called _DocumentTitlewhich stores the Profile Name in the title of the spreadsheet, the field called _Datarows which stores the number of rows etc.

This process will result in each column from the column offset onwards being "tagged" with the name of the field of each successive field in the Selected Field List area of the Integra profile's Fields tab.

In addition, Integra creates a range called _DataBlock which spans from the field titles which are by default created in row 4, to the last column in which fields are present in row 6.

In the event that, after having created the default spreadsheet, an additional field or fields are required to be exported, then the following tasks need to be undertaken:
  • these fields need to be created within the Selected Fields List of the Integra profile's Fields tab
  • the columns need to be added into the Excel spreadsheet and each of the columns "tagged" with the same name as the field name
  • and, only in the event that the columns are appended to the last used column in the spreadsheet, then the _DataBlocks range needs to be extended to accommodate the additional columns.

Tagging of the newly inserted or appended column is undertaken by clicking on the column's reference (not the title in row 4 but rather the actual column letter above row 1) and then clicking in the name box area(circled in red in the screenshot below) and typing in the field name.

If an additional column is being inserted between existing columns, then the _DataBlock range will automatically expand as soon as the new column or columns have been created. However if a new column is to be appended after the last used column, then the _Datablock range needs to be expanded manually. This is effected in this manner:

From within the Excel spreadsheet, select the menu option Insert -> Name -> Define. This will result in the following dialog box being presented showing each of the ranges and tags already in existence within the spreadsheet.:

Click on the _DataBlocks. This will result in the range address being shown in the field at the bottom of the dialog box. Click on the icon to the far right hand side of this field. This will show the range of the currently selected _DataBlocks range being defined with a dotted line. Either selected the complete new area including the additional columns or just press your Shift key and then your right arrow to stretch the area further to the right. Once the new columns are included, press <Enter>. You will return to the dialog box at which point you can select the Close button.

The _Datablock will now include the additional columns and the spreadsheet can be saved back to the Integra profile as normal.


FAQ# 0024
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