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    How to create hyperlinks to Notes documents in an Excel spreadsheet

When exporting data to Excel using Integra for Notes, you may want to create a hyperlink to the Notes document from which the data was exported. This FAQ explains how you can achieve this.

1) In your Integra profile, create a computed field which will be used to store hyperlinks

2) Copy & Paste the Advanced Script below into the CB_BFORWRITECOM event. This code will build the Notes URL of the exported documents and stores it in the computed field to be exported into a cell in Excel.

'Sets the hyperlink column in Excel
Dim nm as NotesName

Set nm = New NotesName(stats.srcdb.Server)
If Not stats.view Is Nothing Then
'FValue(5) Refers to the 6th field in the field list
export.record.FValue(5) = "Notes://" & nm.Common & "/" & _  
      stats.srcdb.ReplicaID & "/" & stats.view.UniversalID & "/" & _ 

End If

Note: In export.record.FValue(5) , 5 represents the location of the field in the selected field list. Remember that the first field in the list is at location 0.

3) Copy & Paste the code below into a Macro in your Excel Template. Note that you would need to specify both the start row of the exported data and the column in which the doc links will reside

Const startrow = 5 'first row of exported data 

Dim rl As String
Dim cl As String
Dim lb As String
Dim rb As String

Sub CreateLinks()
On Error Resume Next
Call GetSettings
Call CreateHyperLinks
End Sub

Sub GetSettings()
rl = Application.International(xlUpperCaseRowLetter)
cl = Application.International(xlUpperCaseColumnLetter)
lb = Application.International(xlLeftBracket)
rb = Application.International(xlRightBracket)
On Error GoTo ErrorLocalisedRef
Application.Goto rl & "1" & cl & "1"
Exit Sub
On Error GoTo ErrorInternationalRef
Application.Goto "R1C1"

Exit Sub
rl = "R"
cl = "C"
lb = "["
rb = "]"

Resume ResumeLocalisedRefError
rl = ""
cl = ""
lb = ""
rb = ""
Resume ResumeInternationalRefError
End Sub

Sub GotoReference(ref As String)
On Error Resume Next
Application.Goto ref
End Sub

Sub CreateHyperLinks()
On Error Resume Next
   Dim txt As String
   Dim st_doclink As String

st_doclink = "6"  'Determine in which column the doc links are computed, in  this example - column 6
   Call GetSettings
   GotoReference (rl & startrow & cl & st_doclink)

   Do While True

GotoReference (rl & lb & "0" & rb & cl & "1")

If ActiveCell.Value = "" Then
Exit Do
End If

GotoReference (rl & lb & "0" & rb & cl & st_doclink)

If (Not ActiveCell.Value = "") And (InStr(UCase(ActiveCell.Value), "NOTES") > 0) Then

txt = ActiveCell.Value
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, _
Address:=txt, TextToDisplay:="Click here"
End If

GotoReference (rl & lb & "1" & rb & cl & lb & "0" & rb)

Range("A" & startrow).Select
End Sub


FAQ# 0240
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