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Nothing happens when clicking on the buttons in the Profile List dialog on the Notes client.

At times, when attempting to execute an Integra profile, the buttons in the Profile List dialog do not work. This issue is usually experienced in Lotus Notes 8.0 client.


We have come across environments where the issue was resolved when upgrading from Notes 8.0.2 to Notes 8.0.2 FP1. We suggest you upgrade to the most recent version of Notes allowed by your organisation. If this is not possible, please follow the instructions below which usually address the issue.

This issue is usually resolved by performing the following steps:
  1. Compact the workspace on the user's workstation
  2. Delete the file cache.ndk found in the Lotus Notes data directory on the user's workstation
  3. Execute the Integra Maintenance process on the Integra database.

Compacting the Workspace:
  1. Open the user's workspace from the Applications bookmark in the Open menu (Notes 8) or the Databases bookmark in the bookmark bar (Notes 6 & 7)
  2. Right click on a blank area on the workspace and select Workspace Properties
  3. Click on the Compact button in the Settings tab.

Running Integra Maintenance:
  1. Open the Integra Database using an ID having the [Admin] role on the database
  2. From the Notes menu bar go to: Actions\Administration\Integra Maintenance


FAQ# 0268
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