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How to Filter Export Data in Integra based on the Creation Date

When exporting Lotus Notes data to Word or Excel using Integra for Notes or Integra Quick Reports, users may wish to export only documents with a creation date greater than or equal to a specific date. This can be achieved by settings the correct filter condition in either product being used.

Integra for Notes

Using the Integra Designer, open the Integra database and open the Integra profile that you wish to only export documents with a creation date greater than a particular date. To a set the creation date filter, position the cursor in the Filter Condition box of the Data Filtering sub-tab found in the Filtering & Sorting tab of an Integra icon and enter the following condition (based on the example below of all documents created on or after the 18 March 2011:

Integra Quick Reports

Integra Quick Reports is used to generate ad-hoc reports by end-users and is based on a 4 step wizard. Step 3 of this wizard allows setting of data filtering. The addition of the following condition in the Filter Conditions box will result in the generation of only documents with a creation date beyond the 18/03/2011 as shown in the screen shot below.


FAQ# 0290
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