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  Integra for Notes

Integra for Notes

This solution enables the integration of Microsoft Excel and Word with Lotus Notes. The solution is used either as a form of better reporting and data analysis of Notes data or so as to incorporate Office documents as a part of the business process.

Key points about Integra for Notes are:
  • it leverages the power of Word and Excel allowing end-users to utilise the capabilities of these solutions such as charts, pivot tables, filters, macros etc to better analyse their data
  • it allows output to Word, Excel and PDF to be e-mailed, saved to a Notes document or the file system and/or printed.
  • it provides the greatest depth of capability of any solution in this market space through its event driven programming model >> more
  • it is a zero footprint solution - it is a Lotus Notes database (.NSF) and does not require any separate installation of any executables, DLLs
  • it is non-invasive (not applicable on the web) - not requiring any modifications to your Lotus Notes installation nor does it require any changes to the design of your Lotus Notes apps.

The product enables data analysis, printing, graphing, mail merge and data importation into Lotus Notes by integrating Lotus Notes with Microsoft Word ® , Excel ® and XML files.

Integra for Notes allows the sending of reports as Attachments, utilising its in-built
PDF writer, Notes Rich Text or Document Links and saving of data and/or attachments back into Lotus Notes.

Integra for Notes – provides advanced integration and reporting for IT departments to create insightful reports from multiple, disparate sources including SAP and Oracle etc.

Integrate Notes Data with Microsoft Office

Running a report to Excel - See video

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